
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are eAlerts?
2. How do I set up an eAlert?
3. What are the Default eAlert Settings?
4. Will all eAlerts I set up use my Default eAlert Settings automatically?
5. How can I change my eAlerts?
6. Can I change my Default eAlert Settings?
7. Does changing my Default eAlert Settings affect any existing eAlerts?
8. How can I stop receiving eAlerts?
9. Can an eAlert be sent to my mobile phone?
10. Can eAlert emails be sent to my mobile phone as SMS (text) messages?
11. When will I receive an eAlert?
12. What does 'Notify Me At' mean?
13. How soon after I set up an eAlert will I begin receiving them?
14. Can I see my past eAlerts?
15. What are the different eAlert types that I can sign up for?
16. How many eAlerts am I allowed to sign up for?
17. Are all eAlert types available to all people?
18. What is Minimum Balance?
19. What is Minimum Available Balance?
20. What is Minimum Purchase Amount?
21. What is Minimum Available Credit?
22. What is Minimum Withdrawal Amount?
23. What is eAlert Detail Level?
24. What is Account Nickname?

1. What are eAlerts?

eAlerts are notifications sent to you by email and/or text when a transaction or event has taken place on your account. Each eAlert can be sent to multiple email or mobile phone addresses within minutes of the transaction.

2. How do I set up an eAlert?

Click the "Add Alert" button to begin. Then choose the type of eAlert you would like to set up from the dropdown.

3. What are the Default eAlert Settings?

Email Addresses, Mobile Phone AddressesNotification TimesDetail Level, and Nickname can all be assigned default values by defining your account's Default eAlert Settings. These default values will be pre-filled each time you add a new eAlert to your account, making the process even quicker and easier.

4. Will all eAlerts I set up use my Default eAlert Settings automatically?

Once you define your Default eAlert Settings, any future eAlerts you add will have the default values you specify pre-filled wherever they are appropriate. You can overwrite these defaults on any eAlert at the time of addition if you'd like.

5. How can I change my eAlerts?

Click the "Edit" Edit image next to the eAlert you would like to change. This will bring up a form that will allow you to edit all of the details for this eAlert. Click the "Continue" button once you have completed your changes.

6. Can I change my Default eAlert Settings?

You can change your Default eAlert Settings at any time just like any other eAlert. Any changes made will not be automatically applied to eAlerts already defined on your account. You do have the option to overwrite all of your existing eAlerts with your new Default Settings - you just need to check the "Please overwrite all my existing eAlerts with these Defaults" box when editing your Default Settings.

7. Does changing my Default eAlert Settings affect any existing eAlerts?

The changes will not be applied to any of your existing eAlerts automatically. You do have the option to overwrite all of your existing eAlerts with your new Default Settings - you just need to check the "Please overwrite all my existing eAlerts with these Defaults" box when editing your Default Settings.

8. How can I stop receiving eAlerts?

Click the "Delete" Edit image next to the eAlert you would like to stop receiving. This will remove this eAlert from your account. To stop receiving all eAlerts you can simply delete all eAlerts that you are signed up for.

9. Can eAlerts be sent to my mobile phone?

Yes. In the SMS boxes, enter your 10-digit mobile phone number. This will send eAlerts via text message. Standard text message rates may apply. Due to message length, you may receive an abbreviated version of a "Moderate" or "Specific" detail level eAlert when it is being sent to a mobile phone.

10. Can eAlert emails be sent to my mobile phone as SMS (text) messages?

Yes. In the Email address boxes, enter the SMS Address for your mobile phone:
[10-digit phone number]@[service provider's gateway]. A few examples are listed below. If it is not listed, you can check with your service provider. Standard text message rates may apply.

  • Alltel
    [10-digit phone number]@message.alltel.com
  • AT&T
    [10-digit phone number]@txt.att.net
  • Boost Mobile
    [10-digit phone number]@myboostmobile.com
  • Cellular One
    [10-digit phone number]@mobile.celloneusa.com
  • Centennial Wireless
    [10-digit phone number]@cwemail.com
  • Cingular
    [10-digit phone number]@txt.att.net
  • Comcast
    [10-digit phone number]@comcastpcs.textmsg.com
  • Metro PCS
    [10-digit phone number]@mymetropcs.com
  • Nextel
    [10-digit phone number]@messaging.nextel.com
  • Sprint
    [10-digit phone number]@messaging.sprintpcs.com
  • T-Mobile
    [10-digit phone number]@tmomail.net
  • Tracfone
    [10-digit phone number]@txt.att.net
  • Verizon
    [10-digit phone number]@vtext.com
  • Virgin Mobile
    [10-digit phone number]@vmobl.com

11. When will I receive an eAlert?

On most eAlert setup screens there are two fields called "Send eAlerts From" and "Send eAlerts Until". Enter the time range you would like your eAlerts to be sent. If an eAlert is triggered outside of your chosen time range, your eAlert will be sent the following day. The exception to this is the Daily Balance eAlert. For this eAlert type you need to choose a "Notify Me At" time to be notified once a day. If you would like to receive all of your eAlerts at a specific time every day, simply set "Send eAlerts From" and "Send eAlerts Until" to the same time, making sure to choose a time during normal business hours.

12. What does 'Notify Me At' mean?

In the case of the Daily Balance eAlert, you will need to choose a single time during normal business hours to be notified of your balance(s). If you would like to be notified of your balances multiple times a day, then you can set up multiple Daily Balance eAlerts.

13. How soon after I set up an eAlert will I begin receiving them?

Immediately. eAlerts are processed and sent in real time. You will not receive any eAlerts for transactions that occurred before you set up the eAlert.

14. Can I see my past eAlerts?

Yes, all eAlerts sent for the last 90 days are kept. You can view them by using the "eAlerts Sent" section at the bottom of the Setup screen. Enter a date range in the "From" and "To" boxes, select an eAlert type, then click "Show History" to see your past eAlerts.

15. What are the different eAlert types that I can sign up for?

  • Default eAlert Settings
    This eAlert works at the account level and is used to define some default settings that will be pre-filled each time you add a new eAlert. These default settings include Email Addresses, Mobile Phone AddressesNotification TimesDetail Level, and Nickname.

  • ATM Withdrawal eAlert
    This eAlert works at the account level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all available shares/loans on the account. A minimum withdrawal amount will be entered at the time of set up. You will be notified when an ATM withdrawal which equals or exceeds that amount is completed on the selected shares and/or loans.

  • Automatic Withdrawal eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. You will be notified whenever an Automatic Withdrawal posts to the selected share(s).

  • Card Capture eAlert
    This eAlert works at the card level and can be set to monitor either one individual Card ID, or all Cards on the account. You will be notified when the card's active status changes to captured. This is a one-time only eAlert and will be deleted from the active list once it is sent.

  • Overdraft Privilege eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor the checking share that has overdraft privilege. You will be notified each time an Overdraft Privilege fee is assessed on the checking share.

  • Daily Balance eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor one individual share, all draft/checking shares, all savings shares, or all shares on the account. You will be notified of the appropriate balance(s) once daily at a time you specify.

  • Debit Card Not Present Transaction eAlert
    This eAlert works at the Card level and can be set to monitor one individual card, or all cards on the account. You will be notified when a debit card purchase was made but the card was not present. Examples may include recurring and online purchases.

  • Debit Card Fuel Transaction eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor one individual share, or all shares on the account. You will be notified when a debit card transaction is made at a location that has a 'Fuel" merchant category classification.

  • Direct Deposit Received eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. You will be notified of each Direct Deposit made to the selected share(s).

  • Draft Withdrawal eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual draft share, or all draft shares on the account. You will be notified each time a draft withdrawal is completed on the share(s).

  • E-mail Address Change eAlert
    This eAlert works at the account level. You will be notified any time a change is made to either the E-mail Address or Alternate E-mail Address fields on your account.

  • Insufficient Funds eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account.  This mimics a situation in which each of the NSF, Overdraft Privilege, and Overdraw Transfer eAlerts have been created on the account.  When this type is chosen, all three will be checked for and sent individually according to their descriptions above so instead of individually setting up each of the NSF, Overdraft Privilege, and Overdraw Transfer eAlerts you can set up one Insufficient Funds eAlert.

  • Interest Rate Change eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and can be set to monitor either one individual loan, or all loans on the account.  You will be notified whenever the interest rate is changed on the selected loan(s).

  • Large Debit Card Hold eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account.  A minimum purchase amount will be entered at the time of set up.  You will be notified whenever a debit card authorization hold is created on the share that meets or exceeds the amount entered for the Minimum Purchase Amount.

  • Large Debit Card or ATM Transaction eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account.  A minimum purchase amount will be entered at the time of set up. You will be notified each time a transaction is completed (Credit/Debit Card, POS, or ATM) using that card which equals or exceeds that amount.

  • Large Withdrawal eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. A minimum withdrawal amount will be entered at the time of set up. You will be notified each time any withdrawal which equals or exceeds that amount is completed on the share(s).

  • Line of Credit (Loan) Advance eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and can be set to monitor either one individual Line of Credit loan, or all Line of Credit loans on the account.
    You will receive an eAlert each time an advance is taken against the loan(s).

  • Loan Balance eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and can be set to monitor either one individual line of credit, or all lines of credit on the account. A minimum balance and a maximum balance will be entered at the time of set up. You will be notified when a transaction posts to the account that brings the loan balance below the minimum balance or above the maximum balance.

    There are three options to choose from in the Notify Me field:
    • For any transaction
    • For each withdrawal
    • Only the first time

  • Loan Balance Under Monthly Payment eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and can be set to monitor either one individual line of credit, or all lines of credit on the account. You will be notified when the loan balance falls below the monthly payment amount.

  • Loan Past Due eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and must be set to monitor one individual loan.
    You will receive an eAlert if your loan's due date passes without a payment being made. You may receive this eAlert again if a payment is not made in a timely manner.

  • Loan Payment Change eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and can be set to monitor either one individual loan, or all loans on the account. You will receive an eAlert whenever the payment amount on the loan is changed.

  • Loan Payment Due eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and must be set to monitor one individual loan.
    You will select how many days in advance you want to be alerted to a loan payment being due and will receive notification accordingly.

  • Loan Payment Made eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and can be set to monitor either one individual loan, or all loans on the account.  You will receive an eAlert each time a payment is made on the loan(s).

  • Loan Transfer eAlert
    This eAlert works at the loan level and can be set to monitor either one individual loan, or all loans on the account.  You will receive an eAlert each time a transfer is made on the loan(s).

  • Low Available Balance eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. A minimum available balance amount will be entered at the time of set up. You will be notified when a transaction causes the selected share's available balance to fall below that amount.

    There are three options to choose from in the Notify Me field:
    • For any transaction
    • For each withdrawal
    • Only the first time

  • NSF eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. You will be notified each time an NSF fee is assessed to the selected share(s).

  • Overdraw Transfer eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. You will be notified each time an Overdraw Transfer occurs to the selected share(s).

  • Share Balance eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. You will be notified each time a transfer transaction is completed on the share(s) that brings the balance below the minimum balance you enter and/or above the maximum balance you enter.

  • Share Transfer eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. You will be notified each time a share transfer transaction is completed on the share(s).

  • Specific Check # Cleared eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and must be set to monitor one individual draft share.
    A check number must be entered at the time of set up and you will then be notified when it clears. This is a one-time only eAlert and will be deleted from the active list once it is sent.

  • Maturing Certificate eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and must be set to monitor one individual Certificate share.  You will select how many days in advance you want to be alerted to a Certificate maturing and will receive notification accordingly.

  • Mailing Address Change eAlert
    This eAlert works at the account level.
    You will be notified any time a change is made to the Street, City, State, Zip Code, or Extra Address fields on your account.

  • Scheduled Transfer eAlert
    This eAlert works at the account level.  You will be notified each time a scheduled transfer completes successfully on your account. This typically refers to automated loan transfers that transfer a payment from a share once the loan's due date has passed.

  • Scheduled Transfer Failed eAlert
    This eAlert works at the account level.  You will be notified each time a scheduled transfer fails to complete on your account.

  • Teller Net Share Transaction eAlert
    This eAlert works at the share level and can be set to monitor either one individual share, or all shares on the account. You will be notified each time a transaction that was performed in Teller Net completes successfully on your account.

    There are three options to choose from in the Notify Me field:
    • For each Transaction
    • For each Deposit
    • For each Withdrawal

  • Transaction eAlert
    This eAlert works at the account level and can be set to monitor one individual share or loan, or all shares and loans on the account. A Minimum Balance, Maximum Balance, and Exact Balance will be entered at time of setup. You will be notified each time a transaction for an amount that is below, above, or the exact amount completes successfully on your account.

    There are three options to choose from in the Notify Me field:
    • For each Transaction
    • For each Deposit
    • For each Withdrawal

16. How many eAlerts am I allowed to sign up for?

There is absolutely no limit to the number of eAlerts you can sign up for. You can sign up for multiple types of eAlerts as well as sign up multiple times for each type of eAlert.

For example, you can set up a low balance eAlert to be notified at home anytime your checking account balance drops below $200.00. You can then sign up for another low balance eAlert and send it to your mobile phone any time your account balance drops below $50.00.

17. Are all eAlert types available to all people?

No. The types that are available to you depend on two things, the first being the types of products you have. For example, if you have no loans then the Loan Payment Due eAlert will not be offered to you. Second, the process that triggers some eAlerts will not always work correctly for everyone. If there are any that will not be sent properly 100% of the time then it will be disabled.

18. What is Minimum Balance?

On the set up screen for the Low Balance eAlert you need to enter a dollar amount here. You will be notified when your balance drops below this value.

19. What is Minimum Available Balance?

On the set up screen for the Low Available Balance eAlert you need to enter a dollar amount here. You will be notified when your available balance drops below this value.

20. What is Minimum Purchase Amount?

On the set up screen for several eAlerts you need to enter a dollar amount here. You will be notified when a purchase is made that matches or exceeds this value.

21. What is Minimum Available Credit?

On the set up screen for several eAlerts you need to enter a dollar amount here. You will be notified when your available credit drops below this value.

22. What is Minimum Withdrawal Amount?

On the setup screen for the Large Withdrawal eAlert you need to enter a dollar amount here. You will be notified when a withdrawal is made that matches or exceeds this value.

23. What is eAlert Detail Level?

If you would like your eAlert to contain the Transaction Time/Date, Amount, and New Balance, choose "Specific - Full Detail". You can also have limited information sent by choosing "Moderate - Some Detail" and "Generic - No Detail". Due to message length, you may receive an abbreviated version of a "Moderate" or "Specific" detail level eAlert when it is being sent to a mobile phone.

  • Generic - No Detail
    An eAlert has been triggered on your account. Please log in to your account online to view more detail.

  • Moderate - Some Detail
    A Large Withdrawal eAlert has been triggered on your account. Please log in to your account online to view more detail.

  • Specific - Full Detail
    A Large Withdrawal eAlert has been triggered on your account.
    You asked to be notified when a large withdrawal over $100.00 was made on your account:

    Share 01 - Withdrawal Amount: 750.00, Withdrawal Time: 10:31
    Post Date: 04/13/2006, Effective Date: 04/13/2006
    New Balance: 980.00, New Available Balance: 975.00

24. What is Account Nickname?

Entering an account nickname is optional. It is a way to identify an account in the eAlerts you receive. If you have the same eAlerts set up on multiple accounts, an account nickname will allow you to know which one triggered an eAlert without having to log in to Teller Net immediately.

   **IMPORTANT** We will not send any identifying information via email. You may NOT include your account number or user name in the account nickname!


"I am a Philadelphia based blogger and a busy mom. I like to share ways to get the most amount of fun in your day, no matter what things you have going on. Money and debt planning are very important, whether it is so you can travel more, have more adventures with the kids, or just to feel less stressed. Having a PFCU financial expert answering my questions and helping to guide me through these issues was extremely helpful."

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National Association of Federal Credit Unions 
PFCU is a proud member of the National Association of Federal Credit Unions
National Credit Union Administration 
Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency.
Equal Housing Lender 
We do Business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

We provide links to external websites for your convenience. Philadelphia Federal Credit Union does not endorse and is not responsible for their content, links, privacy or securities policies.

Please note that the amount of money contained in your investment accounts are considered non-deposit products and therefore, are not NCUA insured, not credit union guaranteed, may lose value, are not guaranteed by any government agency. Securities, Financial Planning and Insurance products are offered through LPL Financial, and its affiliates, Member FINRA, SIPC. LPL Financial and Philadelphia Federal Credit Union are independent entities.