Checking & Savings Calculators
Savings Calculator
Use this tool to see how your interest rate pays off in the long term — and how smart, consistent investing can grow your bottom line.
Savings Goals Calculator
Your forecast for whatever’s down the road. How far will you need to go until you reach your savings goal? Ask this financial calculator.
Net Worth Calculator
Get the lowdown on your bottom line. Fast. This calculator will determine your net worth — now and for the ten years ahead.
Savings, Taxes & Inflation Calculator
This small calculation could make a big difference in your financial planning for the years ahead.
Cool Million Calculator
This calculator could surprise you in a good way, letting you know that your assets and earnings are on track to reach this goal.
Compound Interest Calculator
This calculator will shows you how, and by how much, compounded interest adds to your savings.
Emergency Savings Calculator
This calculator helps you to determine how much savings you will need to accumulate for security in the future.
Benefits of Spending Less Calculator
Invest what you save well and the outlook is even better. This device lets you know how pinching those pennies is adding up.
Lunch Savings Calculator
See the benefits of brownbagging once in a while. This calculator shows you how this one simple change can really add up. One bite at a time.
Home Budget Calculator
Take a close look at your household budget, then see how best to tame it. You may need to put your home on an allowance. Just like your kids.
College Savings Calculator
Get an intro to your financial prerequisites with this calculator. Even if your kid won’t be a freshmen year for a decade, the time to start saving is now.
Checkbook Balancer
Let us help you balance your checkbook. First tell us the ending balance on your statement, then enter all of your outstanding checks and deposits.